Parent Information
Strength of our unit comes from the “State of the Art” Obstetrical and perinatal services rendered in the hospital, which attracts large number of high-risk deliveries both from within Delhi and all over India. The NICU services are covered by 6 consultant neonatologists, along with 10 post doctoral resident doctors including DNB neonatology fellows and GRIPMER ( The Ganga Ram institute for post graduate medical education and research ) fellows . We have a nurse: baby ratio of 1:2 for the intensive care area and 1:3 ratio for babies not requiring intensive care. Apart from newborn care area, our unit also offers a special lactation room where mothers are provided lactation counselling and can also express their milk with the help of multiple electric breast pumps.
The unit takes pride in providing state of art humane intensive care and this is reflected by our census which shows a survival rate for babies weighing < 1000 gms close to 80% which increases to 95% in babies weighing > 1000 gms. Similarly the survival rates of babies more than 28 weeks are more than 95%.The above survival rates are comparable to the western data.
The strength of excellent Neonatal care is provided by the nursing staff and they form the backbone of our unit and are an integral part of our rise to a state of art accredited unit providing optimal care to the tiniest and sickest of babies. We have the support of 80 highly trained & experienced neonatal nursing staff, who ensure round the clock quality care to our babies. Their services and their efficient nursing care forms an important cogwheel in our neonatal care and improved outcomes.