Dr Anup Thakur is currently working as Senior Consultant, Department of Neonatology, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and has been associated with the institute for last fifteen years. He is a Quality Initiative Graduate, from IHI, Massachusetts and has been conferred Le Cercle des Echographistes d’Urgence et de Réanimation Francophones, CEURF, Critical and Lung Ultrasound, Hospital Ambroise Pare, Paris. He won the Gold Medal for best research (2011) awarded by National Neonatology Forum. He is reviewer of journals including Indian Pediatrics and Current Medicine Research and Practice. He is national faculty Advanced NRP/NRP India/FBNC and trainer in Neonatal Simulation. He has been the course director and faculty for several national and international workshops on functional echocardiography. He has been examiner of neonatology fellowship examinations and on board of Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council, India as a reviewer for research projects. He has 48 indexed Publications, has written 42 chapters in various books in Neonatology. He has been an editor of two books on Quality Improvement and NICU Protocols. Currently, he is the editor of Neoclips (the official journal of Delhi, NNF) and joint secretary of Delhi, NNF.